Referrals to other charities

Here you will find a list of local organisations that may be able to support and assist you.

In order to assist all of our women with services which we do not internally provide, we have established a referral system with many charities in Manchester and beyond. Therefore, if you require assistance, please feel free to email us at and we will try to do all we can to support you.

Cost of Living help

Manchester City Council Cost of Living Crisis Hub

Click here to access a multitude of support. You can also call the Manchester City Council Advice Line on 0800 023 2692.

Greater Manchester Authority have also launched a Cost of Living Hub. Click the link below to access national support, as well as support available across Manchester.

Social care & support

“You might need social care after a fall or accident, while recovering from an operation, due to illness, disability, or a major change in your life where you need some extra help and support.

If you, or someone who is aged 18 or over and lives in the area covered by Manchester City Council, needs care and support, you can contact us for advice, information and an assessment of your needs. We’ll talk to you about your situation and ask questions to understand how you are currently managing and what your likely needs may be.

We’ll do this even if you choose to pay for services yourself.

We’ll also provide advice, information and an assessment of your needs if you care for someone else – whether or not they choose to have an assessment themselves.

You can contact Manchester Council by phone on 0161 234 5001 or email via the link below.


Manchester social care

Email Manchester Council

Citizens Advice

Citizens Advice can provide support and advice on a number of issues, click here for specific CoL support.

Visit site

Directory of Social Change

Directory of Social Change provide a very useful link page to a number of organisations that maybe able to provide assistance.

Visit site

Work & career

Smart Works Greater Manchester

Smart Works provides coaching and high quality, interview appropriate clothing, shoes and accessories.

Visit Smart Works

Young Women’s Trust

YWT is a free service for women aged 18-30 and provide support and coaching on confidence, job interviews, mental health and other issues.

Visit Young Women’s Trust


Please note that all links provided on this site are done so out of good faith and this does not constitute a recommendation.

Whilst we strive to only provide quality links, Women Empowered MCR have no control, nor are responsible for the content on any external website.